
Cost savings DDM far beyond expectations

Customer Case Medical devices: The OEM medical systems manufacturing Market is a very challenging business environment. Melotte delivers since many years high precision assemblies to GE's corperate R&D Department. Miniaturazation & hybrid part geometries are commonly used in this field. As soon as a device gets in contact with human organism the quality parameters are getting more substantial. A few months ago Melotte has been asked to think about optimising different parts in a bloodpump device. Given the operational environment we had to think about reducing the number of different parts in the assembly and to miniaturize the entire system. All these interventions should finally lead to cost savings of at least 35%. Another topic was the centrifugal device optimisation, this device generates important vorticity and the existing assembly of curved channels had a major impact on the product price.
The picture (left) shows two of the parts that have been re-engineered and produced in aluminum (body) and 1.4404 (centrifuge). We're showing the rough built parts. After RM the parts are put on the high-precision milling center for finishing, the internal channels are pasta polished up to 0.15 Ra.

Economics: Fly to buy ratio reduced from 6/1 to 1.3/1, product cost reduced by almost 23%, assembly cost reduced by 40%. Yearly consumption estimated at 400/year. R&D, re-engineering and prototyping costs (NRC) are depreciated in 18 months.
Another good example of how RM can be used in costsaving programs and individual part manufacturing (DDM) reduces the impact on Global Warming. 80% saving is raw material & about 65% in energy consumption per assembly!


Melotte's DDM Solutions@Euromould 2008

Melotte@Euromould 2008: Last week the World's largest exhibition on Moulding and advanced metal forming processes took place in Frankfurt (GERMANY). Though Melotte did not have an own dedicated booth stand, we're very delighted about the fact that many leading manufacturers (Hard &Software) showed examples of DDM parts made by Melotte. MTT, one of the leading DDM machine manufacturers even presented a newsletter entirely dedicated to Melotte's Direct Digital Manufacturing Solutions. Do not hesitate to ask for a copy of this exiting story via info@melotte.be or by calling our Support Office Desk: +32 11 53.99.40

We would like to thank all these companies for the free exposure and we look forward to continue working with them. We're very exited about the huge interest showed in our product solutions. During the exhibition we've entered into a cooperation on mass customization of high speed propellers for air jet applications. The first prototypes have shown the advantages of DDM, Time-To-Market went down to days instead of weeks.
We're very excited about an agreement for the implementation of new STL based modelling Software provided by an innovative RM Software Development Company.
We will analyse the possibilities of this new Software application and we hope to make substantial progress on support structure integration & design optimisation. MPP did confirm his full support on the machine interface optimisation.

Melotte will further analyse & implement advanced surface treatment processes in order to controle the complete value chain. End of this week we will be presenting a case on hybrid partdesign. Please do not hesitate to ask for detailed information.