Belgian gastronomy is world-wide promoted by the Flanders Taste Foundation. When they organized the Flemish Primitives event last February, chefs and scientists gathered in Belgium to unveil new kitchen technology and set culinary standards for the future.
Former prime minister Yves Leterme's idea to have entrepreneurs (Chiefs) and chefs de cuisine (Chefs) build the strong brand "Belgium", was caught by Mr. Kris Sierens (BeforeTheHype). He created an image book called Belgian CHEFS bringing 25 tasteful success stories together."This book clearly demonstrates that we Belgians are second to no one in the world when it comes to entrepeneurship and gastronomy". Each story is related to a large, medium or small innovative company in a particular business sector and to the CEOs who lead them. Some of the participating chefs are already top chefs and others are relatively unknown talents. The company Melotte has been chosen to represent the new business sector "Direct Digital Manufacturing".
"By giving up its identity as just another toolmaker that provided precision components, Melotte has turned itself into the world's first direct digital manufacturer" ... "Melotte uses cutting edge laser technology to
"grow" machine parts from powdered metals." Mario Fleurinck (CEO Melotte, Zonhoven) and Dimitry Lysens (Magis, Tongeren) were brought together: "both have the knowledge of how to bring the right ingredients together to create the highest possible quality. The interaction between two creative leaders is used to create a unique gourmet recipe as well as a recipe for business success."
"It is remarkable how two people who look and act so differently at their first meeting, can rapidly discover that what they do and what drives them is very similar."
"They both exhibit a kind of permanent introspective criticism when performing their primary task. No result is ever entirely good enough, or in Dimitry's case, even close to good enough. Before a new product is finished at Melotte or a new dish is served in Magis, they are already thinking of ways to improve it. "Both have a similar view on being a chef and a sharp vision of their role. "They describe it as a constant search for equilibrium between steering and cooperating. It means leading a team and - as much as possible - being a part of it a the same time. Both agree that this is only possible when you have a clear vision of where you intend to go and are able to communicate it."...Among other fine stories in the book "CHEFS", Imec and The Chocolate Line caught my attention. Imec is an independant research centre - regularly working together with Melotte on cutting edge technology projects - specializing in nanoelectronics and nanotechnology. Chef Jeroen Meus sees a similar evolution in gastronomy with a growing trend to cook on a more detailed level: "Products developed in the molecular cuisine laboratories can help." "The Belgian chocolate story is one of an ongoing success and the reason for that are inventive people like Dominique Persoone (The Chocolate Line)."
These days it becomes more and more clear that being successful is equal to being innovative, creative and above all changing ideas with inspiring people. May the cross exchange project Belgian CHEFS be inspiring to all of you, inside as well as outside the kitchen.