
The proof of the pudding.....

Even at 15°C below zero MElotte's DDM stays HOT!

We would like to wish you all the best for 2009! Keep up the good work and thanks for the great support! Since the Blog has been put live about 840 individual followers have shown interest in our developments!

Product & Process information: Our Direct Digital Manufacturing Department has been very active during the Christmas period. Early December we've installed the new laserspot and we're very excited with the results. The part accuracy and surface finish have improved without compromising on building speed. The wise combination of Layered Manufacturing and Advanced Finishing technologies have proved the concept.

For a customer in the medical market we produce large batches of DDM Titanium parts, grade 5, (picture left). In the past these were produced by lost-wax methods and advanced 5-axis milling. Today the free-form is made by DDM and we only finish the high precision connectors. Melotte agreed on a delivery time of 3 working days. Product prices have dropped by 65%.

The customer decided to review its complete supply chain and to transfer as many product as possible to DDM. The Product engineering department visits Melotte next week in order to organise a smooth transfer.
We thank the customer for this fantastick opportunity!

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