(1), Rapid Prototyping Event 2009: Design & Prototyping" on April the 2nd 2009 at the Industrial Design Center in Kortrijk (Belgium). Melotte’s CEO will present some practical cases in DDM in combination with Optical Scanning, Micro Tomography and advanced component finishing technologies. See practical information at www.protolab.be
(2), RIMF’s Advisory Board is pleased to inform you that Melotte’s abstract, Direct Digital Manufacturing@Melotte, Scan based implant modeling technologies in a digital vertically integrated manufacturing environment, has been reviewed favorably and selected by the advisors to be presented at the Rapid Implant Manufacturing Forum (RIMF) held alongside SME’s Rapid Conference & Tradeshow on May 13, 2009 in Schaumburg, Illinois USA. Melotte’s CEO will present the developments on Direct Digital Implant Manufacturing. Info at www.sme.org/rapid
(3) DDM technology transfer sessions @ Melotte, almost 80 Melotte customers have participated at DDM sessions. During this interactive session Melotte presents his DDM offer and highlights on the importance of DDM in order to reduce Global Warming. Next to the overall business outline we concentrate on transferring our knowledge on DDM Product development to the audience. So far we did concentrate on our loyal customers. As from June we’re opening the sessions for individual DDM believers. These sessions will be organized in cooperation with the Flanders Innovation Council. As we’re in varies markets we will try to create homogeneous groups. Sessions will concentrate on Medical, Dental & Macro facial Surgery , Tooling Solutions, Hybrid & lightweight Solutions, Art & Jeweler and one session dedicated to optical scanning and reverse engineering. Feel free to join these sessions and let us know your interest by sending a mail to info@melotte.be
Best in Class Award: at the end of each session we will choose the “Best in Class”! The winner will have the possibility to have a DDM design product produced by Melotte DDM team!