
Melotte, finalist Grote Prijs voor Toekomstige Generaties!

"De Stichting voor Toekomstige Generaties" has nominated Melotte as Winner for the Belgian province Limburg to be awarded the  "Grote Prijs 2013" of their organisation. Who the Ambassador of the Future Generations 2013  will become, shall be announced in Brussels on 11 June next.
Are you convinced that Melotte with Direct Digital Manufacturing puts the principles of sustainable development into practice daily? Then please do not hesitate to vote here and now via online voting http://gp-toekomstigegeneraties.be/category/kandidaten/
and make Melotte the most favourable candidate to win the Price of the Public 

Creation and knowledge sharing are two fundamental pillars of our society which allow individuals to develop his or her talents fully and turn them into value.  The result of creation is mainly consumer products – analogue and digital – of which the cradle-to-cradle process has an impact on our society and the planet’s own capacity and health. Keeping both in check and balance will be the major challenge of the  21st century. Melotte translates these challenges into sustainable yet competitive business models and production ecosystems evaluating systematically the impact of manufacturing based on optimal energy and raw material efficiency. Today Melotte realizes an environmental impact decrease of factor 8 in line with the recommandations of the EU Agenda 2020.

Your vote can make the difference as well!

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